Has Autocorrect Gotten Worse Lately?

We’ve all had it happen. You’re typing away on your iPhone when autocorrect shifts the entire tone of your chat.
“Ducks” become “dicks” or “f**ks” become “ducks”. Blonde girls go blind, and suddenly even the simplest message about groceries or a cake order becomes a horror story.
We joke, but in the age of texting (let alone sexting), any change to our algorithmical spelling safety net can be disastrous.
That’s why it’s at least worth pointing out that — at least anecdotally — something seems to be going on with autocorrect on Apple’s devices these days.
Apple’s notorious spelling tool has been more aggressive at “ducking” with my messages on both iOS and OS X lately. And I’m not the only one here at TC who’s run afoul of Apple’s autocorrect app.
This is anecdotal, of course, but nearly all of us are noticing that the normally somewhat helpful companion has been a bit more confident about mis-interpreting our word choice lately. Anyone else having more problems than usual getting the right words out?


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